Ders Notları Arama

Atatürk Üniversitesi Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 174 ders notu bulundu...

Matlab 1

İçindekiler: Matlab ingilizce ders notu, introduction to matlab&data analysis, introduction, course overview, what is the course about, why matlab, matlab toolboxes, main matlab interface, matlab editor window, matlab hep window, the matlab building block, variables,arrays and matrices, identifiers, reserved word, constants, variables, assignment, variables, variables types, special variables, computer programming ders notu, ...

Matlab 2

İçindekiler: Matlab ingilizce ders notu, the matlab building blocks, arrays and matrices, matlab screen, variables, function, basic matlab functions, creating 1D arrays, indexing 1D arrays, 1D array orientation, simple operations on 1D arrays, basic matlab function, sub-array searching, arithmetic operations on 1D arrays, matrices, 2D arrays, creating matrices, indexing 2D arrays, simple operations on 2D arrays, arithmetic operations on 2D acomputer programming ders notu, ...

Matlab 3

İçindekiler: Matlab ingilizce ders notu, introduction to matlab&data analysis, examples, arithmetic operations on 2D arrays, boolean logic&control, boolean logic, relational operators, logical operators, control flow, NaNs, computer programming ders notu, ...

Matlab 4

İçindekiler: Matlab ingilizce ders notu, introduction to matlab&data analysis, loops, boolean logic, relational operators, logical operators, control flow, NaNs, loops, while loop, for loop, fibonacci, nested loops, the debugger, computer programming ders notu, ...

Matlab 5

İçindekiler: Matlab ingilizce ders notu, functionns and program design, break and continue, examples, functions and program design, matlab built in functions, examples, scope&lifespan, call by value, bubble sort, computer programming ders notu, ...