Ders Notları Arama

Gazi Üniversitesi Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 163 ders notu bulundu...

9. Structural Imoerfections

İçindekiler: genel malzeme bilimi ders notu 9.bölüm, structural imperfections in crystalline solids, relative size ranges of defects, point defects, imperfections in solids, line defects, linear defects, edge dislocations, motion of edge dislocation, screw dislocations, interfacial defects, grain boundary, grain boundaries, bulk defects, importance of imperfections,genel malzeme bilimi ders notu, ...

10.Concepts of Force-Stress and Deformation-Strain

İçindekiler: genel malzeme bilimi ders notu 10.bölüm, concepts of force-stress and deformation-stain, preliminary considerations, mechanics of deformable solids, stress, common states of stress, deformation, strain, engineering stress, engineering strain, stress-strain testing, genel malzeme bilimi ders notu, ...

11. Mechanical Properties of Materials

İçindekiler: genel malzeme bilimi ders notu 11.bölüm, mechanical properties of materials, elastic deformation, plastic deformation, viscous deformation, elastic materials, plastic materials, elasto plastic materials, viscoelastic material, isotropic and anisotropic materials, Hooke's law, isotropic material in uniaxial tension, isotropic material in pure shear,genel malzeme bilimi ders notu, ...

12. Elastic Constants

İçindekiler: genel malzeme bilimi ders notu 12.bölüm, elastic constants in isotropic materials, modulus of elasticity, poisson's ratio, shear modulus, bulk modulus, examples, relation B/W K&E, modulus elasticity, elastic constants of some materials, genel malzeme bilimi ders notu, ...

14. Plasticity

İçindekiler: genel malzeme bilimi ders notu 14.bölüm, plasticity, dislocations and materials classes, dislocation motion, deformation mechanisms, stress and dislocation motion, genel malzeme bilimi ders notu, ...