Ders Notları Arama

İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 56 ders notu bulundu...

Theory of Computation(hesaplama teorisi)

İçindekiler: hesaplama teorisi konu anlatimi ve örnek sorular, finite automata, examples, problems, non-deterministic finite automata, FA and regular grammar, NOFA&DFA, minimize the given FA, grammars and languages, opposite variant, examples, theory of computation ders notu, ...

Theory of Computation(hesaplama teorisi)

İçindekiler: hesaplama teorisi vize-final sorulari, midterm exam, midterm exams answer, final exam, finite automata with outputs, trans ducer, generator, equentance of mealy&moore machine, regular expressions, theorems, examples, pumoing lemma for regular languages, lemma, conclusion, examples,hesaplama teorisi ders notu, ...

Lineer Cebir notları

İçindekiler: vektör konusu ve çözümlü sorular, linear algebra ders notu, ...

Graph Theory

İçindekiler: graph teheory, example, path,reachability and connectedness,discrete mathematics ders notu, ...

Graph Theory 2

İçindekiler: breadth-first search, depth-first search, trees and spanning trees, spanning trees, minimum spanning trees, shortest path algorithms,discrete mathematics ders notu, ...