Ders Notları İndİr

Antik yunan tarihi ders notu

Antik yunan tarihi

Antik yunan tarihi - İçindekiler: 1. midterm için gerekli ders notlari bulunmaktadir. ancient greece, chronogy, historical periods, civilization, minoan civilization,indo-europeans, mycenaean greece, sea people, the dark age, the phpenicians, archaic greece, the greek alphabets, archaic greece, the greek city state, athens democracy, sparta, miletos, the persian wars, the persians, zoroastrianism, the persian wars, athens and sparta, pericles, the peloponnesian war, effects on peloponnesian war, developments after wari culture of the golden age, mathematics, medicine, science, history, philosophy, socratic method, the allegory of the cave, drama, tragedy, comedy, sculpture, wax process, architecture, doric order, ionic order, detail of caryatial, philip II of macedon, hellenistic culture, hellenistic art, hellenistic arthitecture-cities, architectural features, classical civilization of greece&rome 1 ders notu, (23/02/2025 04:52)

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