BUS231 Perspectives on Management Tüm dönem notlar - İçindekiler: Bilgi Üniversitesi Uluslararası Ticaret ve İşletmecilik ders notlerıBUS231 Perspectives on Management ders notu.What is an organization? -Definitions, metaphors -Organizational dilemma/paradox Industrial Revolution -Emergence of large-scale organizations and the factory system Early Universalist Approaches Social Theory & Organizations II -Weber on bureaucracy -The critique of bureaucracy The Social Person EraEmerging Organizational Forms -The Fordist model Social Theory & Organizations I -Marx on conflict and control The search for alternative models Asian Management Thought: the Toyota Way Organization & Environment -Contingency theory and systems theory -Organisations as organisms Organization & Environment -Contingency theory and systems theory continued. (22/02/2025 13:32)
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