Ders Notları İndİr

Bilgi Yoğun Firma Yönetimi - Vize+Final ders notu

Bilgi Yoğun Firma Yönetimi - Vize+Final

Bilgi Yoğun Firma Yönetimi - Vize+Final - İçindekiler: the knowledge organizations, the balance sheet, managers, clerical staff, leader, corparete know how, corporate image, investigation in intengible assets, attract the customer, attractive the personel, the professional life cycle, utilising copacity, the vis rtous circle, managing the stratagic dilemma, business function in knowledge intensive firms, knowledge managemet, tradional knowledge managers, knowledge management roles, catagories of knowledge, knowledge management activities, from data to wisdom, knowledge based economy, strategy, variations in strategy formulation, planned and entrepreneur -dricted strategies, umbrella and unconnected strategies, mintsberg, marketing in knowledge-intensive firms, the service marketing concept, industrial marketing, the marketing of professional services, a classification of marketing situations, marketing functions in service compenles, maketing, HRM in knowledge intensive firms, recruit on a competitive, manage professionals, Bilgi Yogun Firma Yönetimi ders notu, Bilgi Yogun Firma Yönetimi ders notu indir, Bilgi Yogun Firma Yönetimi vize+final ders notu,Bilgi Yogun Firma Yönetimi vize+final ders notu indir,Bilgi Yogun Firma Yönetimi vize+final çalisma notu,Bilgi Yogun Firma Yönetimi vize+final çalisma notu indir, bilgi üniversitesi ders notu, bilgi üniversitesi ders notu indir, ders notu, ders notu indir, üniversite ders notu, üniversite ders notu indir, (24/02/2025 02:09)

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