Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Management and Organization 1.Bölüm - İçindekiler: management, managerial roles, managerial hierarcy, managerial skills, management proless, management proless, planning and goal setting, strategic plan, controlling, leading, directing, leadership styles, management aproaches, organizing, formal organizations, vertical organization, tall structure/organization, flat structure/organization, departmentalization, vertical functional structure, divisional structure, matrix organization, team-based structure, vvirtual network structure, structunal advantages and disadvantages, horizontal organization, informal organizations, management perspectives, classical perspectives, scientific management, administrative principles, bureaucratic organizations, neoclassical humanistic perspective, human relations movement, technological change, human resources perspective, G. Human gropu approach, argyri's maturity theory, situational approach, modern management approach, total quality management, kaizen,management and organization ders notu, management organization ders notu, yönetim bilisim sistemleri ders notu, uygulamali bilimler meslek yüksekokulu ders notlari, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi ders notlari, bogaziçi üniversitesi yönetim bilisim sistemleri ders notlari, bogaziçi üniversitesi management and organization ders notu, yönetim bilisim sistemleri managemant and organization ders notu, MIS113 ders notu, (23/02/2025 10:09)
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