Çalışma Sosyolojisi - Vize+Final 2.Bölüm - İçindekiler: south korea and turkey, japan, keinetsu, tecnology and organization structure, modernist approaches, tecnological uncertainty thompson is typology, diversity of organizational technologies perrow's typology, criticsm of modern approachs to technology, new technologies, the duality of technology, the duality of technology and structuration, organisation structure, critisism, specialization, standardization, formalization, depertmentalization, concepts in departmentalization, centralization, modernist approaches, complexity theory, power and social control in organisations, power&hierarchy in organisation, faucault, taylorism, çalisma sosyolojisi ders notu, çalisma sosyolojisi ders notu indir, çalisma sosyolojisi vize+final ders notu, çalisma sosyolojisi vize+final ders notu indir, çalisma sosyolojisi vize+final 2.bölüm vize ders notu, çalisma sosyolojisi vize+final 2.bölüm vize ders notu indir, bilgi üniversitesi ders notu, bilgi üniversitesi ders notu indir, ders notu, ders notu indir, üniversite ders notu, üniversite ders notu indir, (22/01/2025 15:00)
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