Control Theory-Bölüm 3 - İçindekiler: unit step response,time response measures,peak overshoot,percent overshoot,peak time,setting time,rise time, delay time,closed loop frequency response measures,resonant frequency,phase margin,unstable,oscillation frequency, critically damped,overdamped,unit step response of a second order system,unit impulse response,effect of nü and un,t step response,effect of nü on a unit impulse response,dominant poles,steady state error anlysis,classification of control systems,steady state error ,error constants,Kp,Kv,Ka,for velocity error constant,if the input is unit ramp,if the input is parabolic,special cases, example,root locus,steps to draw root locus,real axis points,breakaway point,asymptotes,jw axis crossing,control theory ders notu, control systems ders notu, control systems 1 ders notu, control systems I ders notu, elektrik ve elektronik mühendisligi ders notlari, mühendislik fakültesi ders notlari, Karabük Üniversitesi ders notlari, karabük üniversitesi elektrik ve elektronik mühendisligi ders notlari, elektrik ve elektronik mühendisligi control systems ders notu, (23/02/2025 11:09)
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