DİL ve EDEBİYAT ÖĞRETİMİ 1- ÖRGÜN - İçindekiler: İngilizce Öğretmenliği Bölümü Dil Becerileri Öğretimi 1 ders notudur. Dil becerilerinin öğretimi 1 (İDE3005) ders notu içeriği:Basic elementspoint of viewcharacterizationthemewhat is literaturewhy do we study literaturefiction-examles-subdividednonfiction- examples-subdividedReasons for using literature in langauge classroomcultural modellanguage modelthe benefits of the langauge modelthe personal growth modelwhy we should use literature in langauge classhow can we choose a literary texttheories about teaching literature in EFL/ESL (29/01/2025 02:52)
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