Ekonomiye Giriş I - Final 2.Bölüm - İçindekiler: calculating GDP growth rates, calculating nominal GDP, calculating real GDP, price index and iflation rates, consumer price index (CPI), implicit price deflator, Queations and answers, GDP in the traditional macroeconomic model, environment, function of environment, NDP net domestic product, damage cost approach, maintenance cost approach, satellite accounts, hausehold production, GDP by product approach, GDP by spending approach, GDP by income approach, genuine progress indicatör, human development index, employment and unemployment, employed person, unemployed person, discouraged workers, labor force, unemployment rate, underemployment, types of unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment, recession, the classical theory of unemployment, imperfect labor markets, sticky wages, insider-outsider theory, efficiency wage theory, the keynesian model of employment determibtion, natural rate of unemployment, primary sector, secondary sector, tertiary sector, trade, examples,Ekonomiye Giris I ders notu,Ekonomiye Giris I ders notu indir,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu indir,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu 2.Bölüm,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu 2.bölüm indir,bilgi üniversitesi ders notu, bilgi üniversitesi ders notu indir,ders notu,ders notu indir,üniversite ders notu, üniversite ders notu indir, (23/02/2025 10:14)
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