Ekonomiye Giriş I - Final Ders Notu 3.Bölüm - İçindekiler: five diffeent standands od equity, consumption and the consumer cociety, the marketing view, the decision-making process, maslow's hierarchy of needs, the utility theory view, budget line, markets wihtout market power, market power&competition, the corporate climber view, the concemed citizen view, the traditional neoclassical view, perfect competition, profit maximization under perfect competition, positive economic profit, efficiency and equity, allocative efficiency, consumer and producer surplus, consumer surplus, producer surplus, deadwight loss, taxation, markets with market power, the traditional models, pure monopoly:one seller, legal barries, delibrate barries, profit maximization for monopolist, price marker, rent-seeking behavior, perpect price discrimintion, monopolies efficiency, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, behaavior of firms, Ekonomiye Giris I ders notu,Ekonomiye Giris I ders notu indir,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu indir,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu 3.Bölüm,Ekonomiye Giris I final ders notu 3.bölüm indir,bilgi üniversitesi ders notu, bilgi üniversitesi ders notu indir,ders notu,ders notu indir,üniversite ders notu, üniversite ders notu indir, (23/02/2025 09:57)
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