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Functionalist Perspectives ders notu

Functionalist Perspectives

Functionalist Perspectives - İçindekiler: Sosyal ve Siyasal Bilimler Social Theory ders notudur. Social theory ders notudur. Talcott Parsons, occupied and intermediate position between classical and contemporary sociology.Social theory (SOC201) ders notu içeriği: Structural functional theory functional system problems Parson's economic the action perspectives social theory and recent history Diğer social theory dersi arama kriterleri social theory ders notları,social theory pdf,social theory ders notları pdf,social theory özet,social theory konu anlatımı,social theory dersi,social theory konuları,social theory sınava hazırlık,usbü social theory ders notu,ısu ders notları, (23/02/2025 11:07)

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