Ders Notları İndİr

General Chemistry 2- Part 3 ders notu

General Chemistry 2- Part 3

General Chemistry 2- Part 3 - İçindekiler: general chemistry 2 ders notu part 3, the common ion effect in acid-base equilibria, slons of weak acids and strong acids, sons of weak bases and strong bases, slons of weak acids and their salts, solns of weak bases and their salts, buffer solutions, the henderson-hasselbach equation, examples, titration examples, titration of a strong acid with a strong base titration of a strong base with a strong acid, examples, solubility, common ion effect, criteria for precipitation, fractional precipitation, solubility and PH, examples, oxidation-reduction rxns, examples, electrochemistry, electrode classification, cell diagram, standart hydrogen electrode, combining reduction half reactions, nerst equation, concentration cell, electrolytic cell, examples,general chemistry 2 ders notu, genel kimya 2 ders notu, (22/01/2025 08:56)

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