General Chermistry - 1.Bölüm - İçindekiler: Kimya Bölümü General Chemistry ders notudur. General chemistry ders notu 1. bölümüdür. General chemistry (CHEM105) ders notu içeriği: electrons in atoms electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic spectrum atomic spectrum planck's energy equation and photoelectric effect Bahr atom theor examples Quantum mechanics Wave-Particle duality the uncertainty principle wave mechanics principle shells and subshells orbital energies porbitals orbitals electon sain a fourth quantum number multielectron atoms penetration and shielding periodic table metals and nonmetals sizes of atoms and ions ionic radios Ionization energy magnetic properties chemical bonding I Lewis theory lewis symbols lewis structure covalena bonding polar covalent bonds examples shapes at molecules examples dipole moments chemical bonding II valence bond method hybridization of atomic orbitals examples Diğer general chemistry dersi arama kriterleri general chemistry pdf,general chemistry ders notları,general chemistry ders notları pdf,general chemistry özet,general chemistry konu anlatımı,general chemistry dersi,general chemistry konuları,general chemistry sınava hazırlık,general chemistry çalışma notları,boun kimya ders notları,boğaziçi üni general chemistry pdf,boğaziçi üni. general chemistry ders notu,kimya bölümü öğrencileri için general chemistry pdf,kimyacılar için general chemistry ders notu, (22/02/2025 08:35)
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