Ders Notları İndİr

General Physics 2- Part 2 ders notu

General Physics 2- Part 2

General Physics 2- Part 2 - İçindekiler: general physics 2 ders notu part 2, pascal principle, archimedes, fluid dynamics, fluid in motion, steady flow, Bernoulli's equation, the work-energy theorem, Toriçelli's law, simple harmonic motion, examples, energy method in general, pendulum, energy conservation, physical pendulum, examples, waves, transverse waves, longitudinal waves, concept of a travelling wave, sinusoidal waves, string waves, linear wave equation, examples, power transmitted for wave, examples, interference of waves with an examples, general physics 2 ders notu, genel fizik 2 ders notu, (22/02/2025 17:49)

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