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Humanistic Psychology- Vize+Final 1.Bölüm ders notu

Humanistic Psychology- Vize+Final 1.Bölüm

Humanistic Psychology- Vize+Final 1.Bölüm - İçindekiler: Historica Roots, More recent humanism, the concept of human, personality and the self:Aller,Jung,Allport, Main characteristic of humanistic psychology, Abraham Maslow, Hierarchy of motives, Carl Rogers, existetial humanistic psychology, the internal contradictions, the failure of the third force, contributions of humanistic psychology, positive psychology, Martin Selingman, cognitive psychology, precusors, outside psychology, cognitive psychology, subject matter of cognitive psychology, epistemology, strategies, differences from behaviorism, core assumption, coe model, auxiliary features, criticism of cognitive psychology, current status of cognitive psychology, freud and psychoanalysis, mechanism, Darwin, psychoanalysis versus psychology, psychoanalysis and society, ego psychology and other psychoanalytic vaiants, ego psychology, anna freud, hartmann,kriss,rapoport, neo-freudians, Alfred Adler , Individual Psychology, Karen Horney, basic aanxiety, Eric Froom, other variants and dencendants, Erikson and Psycholosocial development, analytical psychology, jung, gordon allport and personality, Murray and personology, psikanalizin gelisimsel açidan diger yöntemlerden farki, Humanistic Psychology ders notu, Humanistic Psychology vize+final 1.bölüm ders notu, PYS 461 Klinik Psikoloji ders notu, DIANE SUNAR, (10/03/2025 10:25)

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