Introduction to Sosyology - İçindekiler: international relations theory, the subject of international relations, why study IR, fundamental questions about global politics have been reopened, IR and the contemporary challenges, the challenges to the contemporary european nation-state, a federal europe or a europe of regions, towards a federal europe, centrifugal tendencies across and within european union's countries, the inadequacy of the mainstream approaches, radical and non mainstream theories of federalism and europeanization, classical three schools approach, practical issues of international relations, four key assumptions of realism, other important points in realism, neo-realism or structural realism, some other varieties of contemporary realism, four key assumptions of pluralism, four key assumptions of globalism, the limitations of a three-level approach, sosyoloji ders notu, introduction to sosyology ders notu, International Relations (English) ders notu, (23/02/2025 05:10)
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