İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Calculus 2 - İçindekiler: calculus 2 not, improper integral, direct comparson test, limit comparison test, sequences, convergence and divergence, the sandwich theorem, the continvous function theorem for sequences, commanly occuring limits, infinite series, geometric series, telescoping series, the integral test, the comporison test, p-series test, the limit comparison test, ratio test, the root test, the alternating series absolute and conditionally convergence, alternating series test, leibniz's test, the absolute convergence test, power series, the radius of convergence of a power series, operations of power seris, finding series representations differentiation, the term by term differentiation theorem, taylor and maclaurin series, taylor series, convergence of taylor series, taylor's formula, evler's identify, parametric equations and polar coordinates, calculus with parametric curves, areas of surfaces of revolution, polar coordinates, polar equations and graphs, relating polar and cartesion coordinates, graphing in polar coordinates, length of a polar curve, vectors and geometry of space, distance and sphere in space, vectors, vector algebra operations, scalar multiplication, unit vectors, midpoint of a line segment, the dot product, perpendicular vectors, the vector projection, the cross product, properties of the cross product, the area of the parallelgram, triple scalar or box product, lines and planes in space, the lines of intersection, angles between planes, vectors valued functions, unit tangent vectors, curvature and normal vectors of a curve, circle of curvature for plane curves, partial derivatives, limits and continuity in higher dimensions, second order partial derivatives, mixed derivative theorem, partial derivatives of still higher order, the chain rule, the chain rule for functions of three in dependent variables, implicit functions, implicit differentiation, directional derivatives and gradients vectors, directional derivatives in the plane, gradients and tangents to level curves, tangent planes and differentials, extreme valvues and saddle points, first derivative test for local extreme values, second derivative test for local extreme values, the method of langrange multipliers, lagrange multipliers with two constraints, multiple integrals, fubini's theorem, double integrals over general regions, area by double integrals, average value, double integrals in polar form, area in polar coordinates, changing cartesian integrals into polar integrals, triple integrals in rectangular coordinates, evalvating triple integrals over more general regions, substitutions in multiple integrals, matematik 2 ders notu, calculus 2 ders notu, makina mühendisligi ders notlari, mühendislik ve mimarlik fakültesi ders notlari, Izmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi ders notlari, izmir katip çelebi üniversitesi makina mühendisligi ders notlari, izmir katip çelebi üniversitesi calculus 2 ders notu, makina mühendisligi calculus 2 ders notu, (06/03/2025 16:33)
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