Ders Notları İndİr

LING 102 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II ders notu

LING 102 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II

LING 102 Introduction to Language and Linguistics II - İçindekiler: Dilbilim İntroduction to Language and Linguistics I Iders notudur.Mine Nakipoğlu İntroduction to Language and linguistics 2 ders notudur.LING 102 bir nevi 101'in devamı/tekrarı.Derste anlatılan her şeyin notları (hocanın verdiği ek handoutların açıklamalarıyla birlikte)İntroduction to Language and linguistics 2 (LING102) ders notu içeriği:Questions about linguistics The Brain AnatomyUniverse & fossils for languagegenerative enterprisePhonetics lexical stress problems distinctive phonemes SR vs.UR great vowel shift Morphophonology Syntax PS rules Tense Phrase Semantics/Syntax Interface Syntactic & Semantic Roles The Genetic Classification of Languages Historical Linguistics Some common sound changes Language universals and linguistic typology Sound changes in English Notes on evolution hominid kindsDiğer introduction to language and linguistics 2 dersi arama kriterleriintroduction to language and linguistics 2 ders notları pdf,introduction to language and linguistics 2 notes,introduction to language and linguistics 2 özet,introduction to language and linguistics 2 konu anlatımı,introduction to language and linguistics 2 lesson notes, (23/02/2025 05:09)

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