Ders Notları İndİr

LING 111/101 Bölüm 1 ders notu

LING 111/101 Bölüm 1

LING 111/101 Bölüm 1 - İçindekiler: Dilbilim İntroduction to Language and Linguistics I ders notudur.İntroduction to Language and linguistics 1 ders notu 1. bölümdür.LING 111 dersi notları şu an 101 olarak veriliyor, basitleştirilmiş yani. Notlarım fazladan bir iki konu olabilir.Benim notlarımda An Introduction to Linguistics - Fromkin, Rodman&Hyams kitabından Chapter 1, 2, 3, 'ın özetleri var.İntroduction to Language and linguistics 1 (LING111) ders notu içeriği:what is language? grammar language and thought morphology content&function words derivational morphology inflectional morphology reduplication hierarchy or words lexical gaps compounds birth of words Syntax structural ambiguity constituency tests syntactic categories PS trees selection PS rulesrecursive rules CP transformational rulesemantics idioms lexical relations semantic features argument structure thematic rules pragmatics maxims of conversation presupposition speech acts phonetics the phonetic alphabet articulatory phonetics vowels major phonetic classes prosodic features phonology phonemes&allophonesDiğer introduction to language and linguistics 1 dersi arama kriterleriintroduction to language and linguistics 1 ders notları pdf,introduction to language and linguistics 1 notes,introduction to language and linguistics 1 özet,introduction to language and linguistics 1 konu anlatımı,introduction to language and linguistics 1 lesson notes, (23/02/2025 05:09)

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