Macroeconomics I-Part 1 - İçindekiler: macroeconomics 1 ders notu 1.part, Malthusian growth model, Solow and Swan growth model, measuring a nation's income, wealth vs. income, core inflation, PPI, implicit GDP deflator, differences between GDP deflator and CPI, real vs. nominal GDP, prices, Okun's law, Okun's law evidence from Turkey, seasonal adjustment and seasonal cycle, national income, classical model, distribution of income among factors of production, division of national income, Euler's theorem, consumption, investment, government purchases, supply and demand, equilibrium in goods markets, equilibrium in financial markets, fiscal expansions, money and inflation, functions of money, dollarization and currency substitution, the equation of exchange, Quantity theory of money, demond for money, nominal vs. real interest rate, the cost of holding money, social cost of inflations, brackett affect, cost of unexpected inflation, optimal monetary policy, the classical dichotomy, the Cagan model,macroeconomics I ders notu, makro iktisat teorisi 1 ders notu, (23/02/2025 04:41)
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