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Mat 102 - Calculus II - Tüm Dönem - Ders Notu ders notu

Mat 102 - Calculus II - Tüm Dönem - Ders Notu

Mat 102 - Calculus II - Tüm Dönem - Ders Notu - İçindekiler: coordinate axis, coordinate planes, distance formulas in IR, vectors, algebraic operations on vectors, addition, scalar multiplication, standart unit vectors, examples, proparties of dat product, projection of a vector on another vektors, the cross products of vectors, proporties of cross product, examples, lines in space, examples, equations of planes in space, examples, cylinders and quadratie surface, parametrization of plane curves, tangent lines to the curves, araea enclosed by a curve, the length of curves, curves in space and vector volued functions, derivatives of vector functions of one variable, geometric meaning of derivative, differantation rules, integrals of vectors functions, unit tangent and normal vectors tothe curve, curvature and normal vectors to the curve, other formulas representing curvoture and normal vectors, TNB frame, functions of several variables, graphs of function of two or three variables, limits and continuity of functions of two and three variables, properties of limit, pactal derivatives of the variable, chain rule, directional derivatives, proporties of gradrent, tangent planes and differantials, lineritation of functiin of two variables, differantials, functions of more than two variables, examples, extreme values and saddle points of functions of two variables, lagrange multipliers, the method of laegrange multipliers, double integral, Fubini's theorem, double integrals over general regian, Fubini's second theorem, interpretotion, substitution in multiple integrals jacobian determinant, love integrals, examples,calculus 2 ders notu, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi matematik 102 (MATH 102) dersinin tüm dönemini kapsayan ders notudur. Dersin adi Calculus 2 (II) olarak geçer. Hocalar tarafindan çözmemizin istenildigi sorular dosyaya dahil edilmemistir. Sadece derste tutulan notlardan olusur. N. Furkan Öztürk (04/03/2025 13:34)

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