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Matematik 1 Ders Notu 1.Bölüm ders notu

Matematik 1 Ders Notu 1.Bölüm

Matematik 1 Ders Notu 1.Bölüm - İçindekiler: intervals, examples, exponential and logarithmic functions, exponential, logarithms, natural logarithmic, exponential functions, limits and continuity, one sided limit, rules for calculating limits, limits of polynomials and rational functions, the soueeze theorem, limits at infinity, the formal definition of limit, evaluate the following limits, examples, tanget lines and their slopes, the derivate, leibniz notation, differantlation rules, chain rule, builfing chain rule in to differantation furmucas, derivatvies of trigonometric functions, evaluate the derivatives ofthe following functions, higher order derivatives, mean value theorem, implict differantiation, examples,matematik 1 ders notu, (05/03/2025 18:11)

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