Mekanik I (Statik) - İçindekiler: the law of sines, idealizations, plates, force vectors, examples, forces directed along a line, dot product, equilibrium of a particle, free body diagram, equilibrium condition, equilibrium in space, force system resultant, cross product, cartesian formulation, examples, principle of moments, varignon's theorem, mixed triple product, moment of a couple, equivalent couples, equivalent system of forces, concurrent force system, examples, external forces, free body diagram, roller support, fixed support, examples, equilibrium equations in 2 dimensions, two force member, structural analysis, simple trusses, method of joints, examples, zero force members, method of sections, frames, examples, internal forces, shear and bending moment equations and diagrams, center of gravity and centroid, centroid of a volume, centroid of an area, centroid of a line, examples, composite bodies, examples,mekanik 1 ders notu, statik ders notu, Gazi Üniversitesi Insaat Mühendisligi IM 223 ders notu, chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9, (23/02/2025 10:13)
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