Öğrenme Psikolojisi - Final - İçindekiler: modern approaches to the study operant conditioning, discrete-trial procedures, free-operant procedures, increasebehavior rate, relevance or belogorgoness in conditioning, effects of tempoal contgouity, Skmner's superstition Experment, Learned Helplesness, Learned Helpleness Hypothesis, schedule of reinforcement, continious reinforcement, intermittent reinforcement, concurrent schedule, measures of charce behavior, the matchin law, matching and maximazing rate of reinforement, Concurrent- Cham Schedules, Rachlin-Green self control, S-R Association, Hierarchical Relation, Behavior Regulation, The premack principle, Premack, Reynolds, Guttman-Kallish, Lashley - Wede, Elonour Rasch,Ögrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, Ögrenme Psikolojisi final ders notu, PSY 233 Ögrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, learning psychology, (10/03/2025 08:21)
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