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Öğrenme Psikolojisi - Vize+Final ders notu

Öğrenme Psikolojisi - Vize+Final

Öğrenme Psikolojisi - Vize+Final - İçindekiler: hayvanlar üzerinde yapilan deneyler, advanteges, disadvanteges, stimulus to external events, behaviorism and cognitive revolution, reaction to events, reflex, effects of repeated stimulation, startle response in rats, state system, emotional and motivational behavior, classical conditioning foundations, spontenow recovery, classical conditioning, conditional emotional response, suppression rotio, sign tracking, excitatory classical conditioning, genetic predisposition, biological strenght, counter conditioning, evoluative conditioning, compensatory response, Drug tolerance, Conditraned Behavior and Behavior Systems, Instrumental Condittaning, Ögrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, Ögrenme Psikolojisi vize+ final ders notu, PSY 233 Ögrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, learning psychology, (10/03/2025 08:29)

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