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Örgütsel Kültür - 2. Bölüm ders notu

Örgütsel Kültür - 2. Bölüm

Örgütsel Kültür - 2. Bölüm - İçindekiler: SONY CASE(tekrar), liderlik, ulusal kültür, the study of hofstede, power distance, Individualism&Coller, Uncertainty Auoidancer, masculinity&femininity, implications for leaders, the globe study, overwiev of the globe study, cultural dimensions of the globe study, county scores on cultural proctices, findings of the study on leadership, six types of leadership, the cose of Turkey, recommendotions for leadership, MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES, HRM and strategic HRM, Employee catergosies, expatciates, global staffering, key tasks of hrm, managing human resource management, staffing, traning and development, repatriation, performance approisol, composation, internal labor relations, need for coordination in MNCs, IKEA CASE, SONY CASE, Örgütsel Kültür ders notu, Örgütsel Kültür ders notu 2.bölüm, (07/03/2025 03:18)

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