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Oscillations and Waves-Dalgalar ve Salınım Hareketi ders notu

Oscillations and Waves-Dalgalar ve Salınım Hareketi

Oscillations and Waves-Dalgalar ve Salınım Hareketi - İçindekiler: Oscillations and Waves, Simple Harmonic Motion, Energy in SHM, What about Friction?, Damped oscillations, A velocity dependent drag force A damped exponential, Forced oscillations, Driven Oscillations & Resonance Driven SHM oscillations, Resonance, Dramatic example of resonance, Waves, Types of Waves, Traveling waves, Definitions:Similar to harmonic motion, Displacement as a function of time, How the Wave Speed Depends on the Medium, Interference of Waves,fizik 1 ders notu, havacilik mühendisligi ders notlari, ulastirma fakültesi ders notlari, Sofya Teknik Üniversitesi ders notlari, (22/02/2025 08:42)

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