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Persanaly Psikoloji ders notu

Persanaly Psikoloji

Persanaly Psikoloji - İçindekiler: bogaziçi psikoloji ders notu, personality, genetitics and effects of genetics on personality, methodology in personality, psychoanalysis, S.Freud, The Dynamic, instincts, components, contents of an instinct, the economic view, the topographic view, the structural view, id, ego, superego, the developmental view, anxiety in freudian theory, defense mechanism, psychological problems from freudian view, personality types according to freud, symptoms, psychotherapy, psychoanalytical therapy, Alfred Adler, structure of personality, Karen Horney, Erikson, phenomenology, Carl Rogers, Maslow, trait theories, psychology of personality ders notu, kisilik psikolojisi ders notu, (07/03/2025 03:04)

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