Principles of Economics - The Scope and Method of Economics - İçindekiler: Ekonomiye giris ders notu, principles of economics ders notu, ekonomiye giris 1 ders notu, ekonomiye giris I ders notu, siyaset bilimi ve uluslararasi iliskiler ders notlari, Baskent Üniversitesi ders notlari, baskent üniversitesi siyaset bilimi ve uluslararasi iliskiler ders notlari, baskent üniversitesi ekonomiye giris 1 ders notu, siyaset bilimi ve uluslararasi iliskiler ekonomiye giris 1 ders notu, içindekiler : The scope and method of economy, key term of first chapter, opportunity cost, marginalism, efficient markets no free lunch, to understand society, the scope of economics, microeconomics and macroeconomics, the method of economy, theories and models, expressing models in words,graps and equations, testin theories and models, empirical economics, economic policy, important terms, (23/02/2025 04:52)
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