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Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics and Modern Physics - 1.Bölüm ders notu

Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics and Modern Physics - 1.Bölüm

Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics and Modern Physics - 1.Bölüm - İçindekiler: temparature, thermal expansion of solids, coefficient of area exponsion, ideal gas, thermodynomics, heat, first law of thermodynamics, some simple proceses, isotermal process, heat transfer, examples, kinetic theory of gases, simplest model, ideal gas law, discussion of degrees of freedom, vibrational degress of freedom, examples, adiabatic process, asiabatic work, distrubion of moleculer speeds, examples, heat engines, examples, carnot cycle, examples, Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics and Modern Physics ders notu, Thermodynamics, Waves, Optics and Modern Physics ders notu indir, makine mühendisligi ders notlari, makine mühendisligi ders notlari indir, Bogaziçi üniversitesi ders notlari, Bogaziçi üniversitesi ders notlari indir, ders notu, ders notu indir, üniversite ders notu, üniversite ders notu indir, (23/02/2025 04:45)

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