Voyage Estimation - İçindekiler: Gemi Makinaları İşletme Mühendisliği (%30 İngilizce) Voyage Estimation ders notudur. Voyage estimation ders notudur. Voyage estimating is the means to determine the return for any potential voyage on a voyage charter after deducting from freight revenue, the running cost and other expenses during the voyage. Voyage estimation ders notu içeriği: voyage estimation sefer hesap tahmini technical ship management what is voyage estimation? what is the purpose of voyage estimation? key components in the voyage estimate distance calculations cargo quantity port calculations commencing the voyage estimate Diğer voyage estimation dersi arama kriterleri voyage estimation ders notları,voyage estimation pdf,voyage estimation ders notları pdf,voyage estimation konu anlatımı,voyage estimation özet,voyage estimation dersi,voyage estimation konuları,voyage estimation sınava hazırlık,itü voyage estimation ders notu, (23/02/2025 05:05)
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