Ders Notları İndİr

abnormal psikoloji ders notu

abnormal psikoloji

abnormal psikoloji - İçindekiler: anormal davranislar psikolojisi, anormal davranislar psikolojisi ders notu, abnormal psychology, peter slade, history of psychopathology, multiaxial assessment, paradigms in psychopathology, mood disorders, modd disorder categories, main mood disorders, prevalence of mood disorders, biological theories, behavioural theory, mood disorders:cognitive-behaioural, factors affecting learned helplessness, facts about suicide, freud psychoanalitic theory, durkheim sociological theory, somatoform and dissociative disorders, eating disorders, sociolcultural theory, behavioural control of overeating, etiology phobias, specific phobias, panic disorder, panic disorder symptoms, agoraphobia, past traumatic disorder, psychological models, psychophysiological disorders, stress, substance abuse, models of alcoholism, psychological variables, prevention, sexual disorders, fetishism, sadism,masochism, voyeurism:peeping, rape, child sexual abuse, incest, sexual disfunction, performance anxiety, orgasmic disorders, causal factors in the etiology of sexual disfunction, somatoform disorders, therapies for somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, mood disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, suicide, somatoform-dissociative disorders, somatization disorder, conversion disorder, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, schizphrenia, eating disorders, anxiety disorders, phobias, etiology of phobias, panic disorder, diagnosed with/without agoraphobia, etiology of panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, etiology of GAD, obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessions, etiology of obsessive compulsion, etiology of PTSD, psycho physiological disorders, stress, factors leading to stressful appraisal, biophysiological aspects of stress, psychosocial aspect of stress, sources of stress throughout life, substance related disorders, models of alcoholism, etiology of substance abuse/depression, sexual and gender identity disorders, paraphilias, transvestic fetishism, pedoph,l,a-incest:child sexual abuse, incest, sonsequencesof child abuse, voyeurism, exhibitianism, sadism and masochism, etiology of paraphilias, rape, sexual dysfunctions, sexual desire disorders, sexual arousal disorder, orgasmic disorders, mod, general theories of sexual dysfunction,clinical psychology ders notu, clinical psychology ders notu indir, PSY464 clinical psychology ders notu, PSY464 clinical psychology ders notu indir, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi clinical psychology ders notu, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi clinical psychology ders notu indir, psikoloji ders notlari, psikoloji ders notlari indir, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi ders notlari, Bogaziçi Üniversitesi ders notlari indir, ders notu, ders notu indir, üniversite ders notu, üniversite ders notu indir, (23/02/2025 11:04)

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