ders:ınkılap mid-term Çalışma - İçindekiler: establishment of the turkish republic, new constitution, teskilat-i esasiye kanunu, tevhid-i kuvva, tbmm- türkiye büyük millet meclisi, orientation towards secularism, takrir-i sükun kanunu, extensive powers, martial law, independence tribunals, historical vision, nutuk, reforms, citizen, ser’i mahkemeler, türbe, tekke, zaviye, calender, miladî takvim, hicrî takvim, ezâni vakit, language reform, türk dil kurumu, turkish hearths, turkish historical society, turkish women’s union, turkish freemasons’ lodges, university reform - 1933, purges, kemalism, principles, six arrows – alti ok, autoritarian regimes, fascism: popular movement, atatürk ilke ve inkilaplari ders notu, ders notu ingilizcedir. (24/02/2025 05:11)
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