Ders Notları Arama

fizik 1 Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 412 ders notu bulundu...

General Physics I - Part 5

İçindekiler: general physics 1 ders notu 5.part, pure relations of a rigid body about a fixed axis, examples, kinetic energy in rotational motion, parallel-axis theorem, disk, solid cylinder, sphere, dynamics of rotational motion, examples, dynamics, work in rotational motion, energy method, general physics 1 ders notu, genel fizik 1 ders notu, ...

General Physics I - Part 4

İçindekiler: general physics 1 ders notu 4.part, linear momentum, impulse, particles, special cases, examples, 2-D collision, equal masses, center of mass, examples, general physics 1 ders notu, genel fizik 1 ders notu, ...

General Physics I - Part 3

İçindekiler: general physics 1 ders notu 3.part, work&energy, work, work done by a varying force, work done by a spring, spring, grand definition, work-energy theorem, power, conservative forces and potential, spring force, frictional force, examples, energy diagrams, general physics 1 ders notu, genel fizik 1 ders notu, ...

General Physics I - Part 2

İçindekiler: general physics 1 ders notu 2.part, relative motion, Newton's laws, examples, constraint problems, atwood's machine, force of friction, examples, circular motion, conical pendulum, car turning corner, banked ramp, motion in accelerated frames, examples,general physics 1 ders notu, genel fizik 1 ders notu, ...

General Physics I - Part 1

İçindekiler: general physics 1 ders notu 1.part, dimension analysis, vectors, vector addition, unit vector, vector product, cross product, vectors analytically, multiplication by a constant, dot/cross product, examples, projectile motion, circular motion, examples, general physics 1 ders notu, genel fizik 1 ders notu, ...