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fizik Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 412 ders notu bulundu...

Fizik III - 2.Bölüm

İçindekiler: fizik III ders notu 2.bölüm, electric field, Coulomb law, consept of test charge, examples, electric field examples, infinite plane, electric field of a dipole, electric potential, electric potential due to point charges, calculation of electric potential, finite line charge, mechanics of a particle in an electric field, examples,genel fizik 3 ders notu, ...

Fizik III - 1.Bölüm

İçindekiler: fizik III ders notu 1.bölüm, Coloumb law, scaler field, vectorel field, field lines, problems, Gauss law, examples, point charge, infinite line charges, infinite plane, a spherical charge distribution, conductors, genel fizik 3 ders notu, ...

General Physics 2- Part 4

İçindekiler: general physics 2 ders notu part 4, first law of thermodynamics, examples, kinetic theory of gases, examples, second law of thermodynamics, consider adiabatic reversible process, carnot engine, general physics 2 ders notu, genel fizik 2 ders notu, ...

General Physics 2- Part 3

İçindekiler: general physics 2 ders notu part 3, sound waves, longitudinal waves, volume and pressure, change in volume, change in pressure, standing wave solutions inside a pipe for the longitude waves, examples of wave addition, different amplitudes, the doppler effect, introduction to thermodynamics, basics of mechanics, heat&heat conduction, heat of transfer, heat conduction, examples, general physics 2 ders notu, genel fizik 2 ders notu, ...

General Physics 2- Part 2

İçindekiler: general physics 2 ders notu part 2, pascal principle, archimedes, fluid dynamics, fluid in motion, steady flow, Bernoulli's equation, the work-energy theorem, Toriçelli's law, simple harmonic motion, examples, energy method in general, pendulum, energy conservation, physical pendulum, examples, waves, transverse waves, longitudinal waves, concept of a travelling wave, sinusoidal waves, string waves, linegeneral physics 2 ders notu, genel fizik 2 ders notu, ...