Ders Notları Arama

psikoloji Ders notları arama sonuçları : Toplam 276 ders notu bulundu...

Sosyal Psikoloji I - 2.Bölüm

İçindekiler: me, self schema, self schematic, spontaneous self-concept, gender, gender identitiy, the self, self-esteem, outhoritative, outhoritarion, permissive, self enhancement, self verification, social identitiy, ingroup members, outgroup members, social reflection, social comparison, self presentation, self-promation, exemplification, modesty, intimidationSosyal Psikoloji I ders notu, Sosyal Psikoloji I vize+final ders notu, PSY 201 Sosyal Psikoloji I ders notu, ...

Sosyal Psikoloji I - 1.Bölüm

İçindekiler: psychological social psychology, socioligal social psychology, socialfaciliationi Mc Daugal, obedience, psikoloji ve sosyal psikoloji ayrimi, 40'li yillarda sosyal psikoloji, 50'li yillarda sosyal psikoloji, 69'li yillarda sosyal psikoloji, 70'li yillarda sosyal psikoloji, social context, social influence, direct influence, imagined influence, implied influSosyal Psikoloji I ders notu, Sosyal Psikoloji I vize+final ders notu, PSY 201 Sosyal Psikoloji I ders notu, ...

Öğrenme Psikolojisi - Final

İçindekiler: modern approaches to the study operant conditioning, discrete-trial procedures, free-operant procedures, increasebehavior rate, relevance or belogorgoness in conditioning, effects of tempoal contgouity, Skmner's superstition Experment, Learned Helplesness, Learned Helpleness Hypothesis, schedule of reinforcement, continious reinforcement, iÖgrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, Ögrenme Psikolojisi final ders notu, PSY 233 Ögrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, learning psychology, ...

Öğrenme Psikolojisi - Vize+Final

İçindekiler: hayvanlar üzerinde yapilan deneyler, advanteges, disadvanteges, stimulus to external events, behaviorism and cognitive revolution, reaction to events, reflex, effects of repeated stimulation, startle response in rats, state system, emotional and motivational behavior, classical conditioning foundations, spontenow recovery, classicalÖgrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, Ögrenme Psikolojisi vize+ final ders notu, PSY 233 Ögrenme Psikolojisi ders notu, learning psychology, ...

Bilişsel Psikoloji - Final

İçindekiler: human memory, what is memory, encoding, storage, retrieval, information processing framework, box metaphor, short-term memory, long-term memory, automated vs controlled processing, serial position curve, prediction, Entering lon-term store, Crouig and Lockhart, intention to learn, clive wearing, the pys of memory, hermannebbinghaus, William James, STS/LTS DBilissel Psikoloji ders notu, Bilissel Psikoloji final ders notu, PSY 234 Bilissel Psikoloji ders notu, ...